NEAS on Facebook
#NEAS or is a website dedicated to spreading the word about local “Car Shows” and “Cruise-Ins” located in the Greater New England Area.
Who would like to talk about this? #pontiac or someone? put a full page add in #caranddriver... With #dodge announcing the #Charger becoming the main vehicle and also, bringing back an inline six as a #6Pack? One wonders: Could GM see the "Pontiac" brand as their "Performance" brand? or their new entre', into the Hybrid #musclecar stage? Thoughts?
This will be an unpopular opinion... I dislike this Meme... A Lot... And I may lose a lot of likes... But... Sorry... I Like Both Honda and a Chevelle. I like them both... But - it's generational... Right? While you will get excited about a Chevelle... Another generation will love a 98 Honda... And if that hurts your feelings? Then you are not a real car enthusiast#CarEnthusiasts#carloverl#neas##chevellev#hondahonda
I got this from Aléxandrïa's Feed... Give her business a glance as she (Correct me if I'm wrong Lex) has a spot at in Haverhill? But I digress... Owning a small website about Car Shows, I figured I would edit the below a bit...Car Show Season is can use all the love it ca#neas.#carshowS#seor#shamelessplugmelessplug
OH My Gosh....Please share this with Car show-runners and promoters... I think that we can all agree that sometimes finding a Car Show is hard... Even when you have a flyer... And for Cryin' in the mud! why are so many people afraid to be reachable when they run a show!Please click on the below link for more info but the main takeaway is for the love of god if you create a flyer follow others guidelines! No Seriously do this! Here is a list of things that I often see wrong with car show flyers:1) The flyer is not a standard size in digital format. Send the Flyer in full-size 8×11 JPG or PDF Most sites can convert to either or.. and if they won’t they are jerks…2) Have the exact location (i.e. Physical address.) NEVER, EVER, assume that everyone knows where a “rib shack” or a “clam shack” or even a “fairground” is especially if your desire is to attract out-of-town or out-of-state attendees…3) For the love of God and all that is holy include contact info for cancelations and questions… No – Seriously, this is really important!!! 4) AND For the LOVE of GOD and all that is HOLY, Have someone monitor and answer the above contact info in a timely manner!!! No Seriously, this is really important too!!!5) When is it? What time does it start? if it’s weekly SPECIFY START AND END DATES!!! Be specific with the date and times.6) Are there trophies or not? These are important to some attendees…7) Is there food? Is there Music? Specify it.Is there a website or facebook page? See number 3 above!8) Make your sponsors happy. Mention them! Include their logo if possible.9) What Genre of cars are you hoping to attract? “ALL VEHICLES” is important to specify and should never be assumed. But if it’s 1972 and older, specify that as well… 10) Specify Pre-reg prices and prices of the day of the event… Be specific! “15 dollars for pre-registration 20 dollars the day of the show.” Share this and see See below for more info:#NEAS #carshow #carshowseason
Advice to Car Show Runners and Promoters
Sometimes Car Shows Don't Get a lot of Attendance. What went wrong? we offer some advice to Car Show Runners and Promoters.
Yeah! What She Said!!!
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.