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You are here to either keep track of MrJoelieC and/or his family, or you need help with technology. This is the place. This is:
#NEAS or NewEnglandAutoShows.com is a website dedicated to spreading the word about local “Car Shows” and “Cruise-Ins” located in the Greater New England Area.
Advice to Car Show Runners and Promoters
Sometimes Car Shows Don't Get a lot of Attendance. What went wrong? we offer some advice to Car Show Runners and Promoters.This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.MrJoelieC is an amateur web designer. He uses commercial off the shelf, and Free GNU General Public license, software to make his websites. Using these technologies with his limited grasp of HTML, PHP, and even more amateur use of Paintshop Pro Joel he has created a few websites, not the least of which is: this one – the one you are on now. He can help you a little bit with your web presence. For a price. Check out some of his sites below:
If you’re interested in Web Hosting take a moment to check out the folks at:
Just click on the above Dreamhost Icon and you will get special pricing from them all just because you know me. Check them out! you wont be disappointed…
Go to his Blog or click articles below:
I wanna play devils advocate in a way that might make me a Total bad guy… I mean: Republicans may
I read a very interesting post today. It was forwarded/shared by a friend on facebook. As I’m sure you are